IT Project Management Lite

A quick start tool and guide to managing IT projects.

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Major Business Pain Points

  • Organizations want reliable project reporting and clear, consistent project management standards, but many are unwilling or unable to allocate time for it.
  • Many IT project managers are given project management responsibilities in addition to other full-time roles – without any formal allocation of time, authority, or training.
  • Most IT project managers and stakeholders actually want clear and consistent standards but resist tools and procedures they believe are too time consuming and inflexible.
  • Standard project management procedures must be “light” enough for project managers to adapt to a wide range of projects without increasing the total time required to manage projects successfully.
IT Project Management Lite-Pain Points


Key Points

  • Most IT project management advice is focused on the largest 10-20% of projects – projects with large enough budgets to allocate time to project management. This leaves most IT projects (and most people who manage IT projects) in limbo between high-risk ad hoc management and high-cost project management best practices.
  • Project management success doesn’t equate to project success. While formal methodologies are a key ingredient in the success of large, complex projects, most IT projects do not require the same degree of rigorous record-keeping and planning.
  • Consistent, timely, and accurate reporting is the “linchpin” in any sustainable project and portfolio management practice.


IT Project Management Lite-Recommendations
  • Maintain timely and accurate project portfolio reporting with right-sized tools and processes.
  • Establish clear and consistent project management standards that make better use of time already spent managing projects.
  • Enable project managers to manage their projects more successfully with a set of flexible and lightweight tools and templates.

Methodology and Tools

1. Assess the value of a minimum-viable PMO strategy

Perform a measured value assessment for building and managing a minimum-viable PMO.

  • IT Project Management Lite Storyboard

2. Perform a project and portfolio needs assessment

Focus on the minimum required to maintain accuracy of portfolio reporting and effectiveness in managing projects.

  • Minimum-Viable PMO Needs Assessment

3. Establish standards for realistic, accurate, and consistent portfolio reporting

Emphasize reporting high-level project status as a way to identify and address issues to achieve the best results with the least effort.

  • Minimum-Viable Project and Portfolio Management SOP

4. Create a standard, right-sized project management toolkit

Free PMs to focus on actually managing the project while still delivering accurate portfolio metrics.

  • Zero-Allocation Project Management Workbook

5. Train PMs for zero allocation

Ensure project manager compliance with the portfolio reporting process by incorporating activities that create value.

  • Zero-Allocation Project Manager Development Plan
  • Zero-Allocation Project Management Survival Guide

    6. Perform a post-implementation assessment

    Evaluate success and identify opportunities for further improvement.

    All resources on this page are provided to Cyber Leadership Hub members under license from third parties including Info-Tech Research Group Inc, a global leader in providing IT research and advice.