Tutorial 1: The Resilient Cyber Leader: Setting the scene

1.1. Welcome to the Resilient Cyber Leader (Introduction & Course Overview)
1.2. Defining resilience
1.3. Why are cyber professionals prone to stress and burnout
1.4. What is it going to take to thrive (Part 1)
1.4. What is it going to take to thrive (Part 2)
1.5. Assess your current level of resilience

Tutorial 2: Your Best Life Awaits: A Cyber Leader’s Journey to Success and Fulfillment

2.1. In pursuit of success and fulfillment
2.2. Your best life - what is it going to take
2.3. Get clear on your purpose (Part 1)
2.3. Get clear on your purpose (Part 2)
2.4. What’s getting in the way
2.5. The Exercise - Clarity tool

Tutorial 3 : Supercharge you: Generate Energy for Life

3.1. Stand in your power. Win your inner & outer game (Part 1)
3.1. Stand in your power. Win your inner & outer game (Part 2)
3.2. Adopt a set of daily energy habits (Part 1)
3.2. Adopt a set of daily energy habits (Part 2)
3.2. Adopt a set of daily energy habits (Part 3)
3.3. The power of gratitude and forgiveness (Part 1)
3.3. The power of gratitude and forgiveness (Part 2)
3.4. Supercharge you. Set your daily energy habits

Tutorial 4 : Unlock the Power Within: Awaken Your Inner Roar

4.1. Own your power - tame the inner critic
4.2. Generate momentum - Believe - Decide - Act
4.3. Achieving results through the law of vibration
4.4. Master your six higher mental faculties
4.5. Awaken your inner roar
4.6. Exercise - Apply the four-step inner roar process

Tutorial 5 : Win Your Day: Focus on the Needle Movers

5.1. Create a winning game plan - Set your goals
5.2. Achieve your goals - Stay on track and overcome obstacles
5.3. Lacking resources. Get creative, resourceful and able
5.4. Exercise - Your productivity pack

Tutorial 6 : Unleash Your Authentic Voice: Communicate with Impact & Influence

6.1. You have a unique message. It matters. Share it.
6.2. The science and art of decision-making
Please change to: 6.3. How egos and office politics get in the way of effective communication (Part 1)
6.3. How egos and office politics get in the way of effective communication (Part 2)
6.4. Negotiating win-win outcomes
6.5. Have a courageous conversation The four-step ROAR process (Part 1)
6.5. Have a courageous conversation The four-step ROAR process (Part 2)
6.5. Have a courageous conversation The four-step ROAR process (Part 3)
6.6. Apply the 4-step ROAR process

Tutorial 7 : Commit to a Life of Resilience

7.1. Course recap and committing your resilient life (Part 1)
7.1. Course recap and committing your resilient life (Part 2)