Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO

Organizations need an effective executive leader to strategically drive security across the whole enterprise.

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Major Business Pain Points

  • CEOs/CXOs are looking to hire or develop a senior security leader and aren't sure how to identify the best candidate.
  • Organizations are looking to optimize their security plans and move from a tactical position to a more strategic one.
Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO-Pain Points


Key Points

  • The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) you choose must be empowered to integrate with the business and become an enabler of business processes.
  • To be successful, there are three primary tasks that a world-class CISO must master:
      1.   Aligning security controls with business requirements
      2.  Fostering a risk management culture
      3.  Managing talent and change


Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO-Recommendations
  • Hire the right person for the job who will also address your specific organizational needs.
  • Create a high-altitude view of your CISO’s competencies and your information security process and technology gaps and use these to form an action plan.

  • Empower your CISO to be a strategic partner to the business and to enable new business processes.

Methodology and Tools

Executive Brief

Read the concise Executive Brief to find out why you should hire or develop a world-class CISO and review the methodology.

  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Executive Brief
  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Phases 1-4

1. Launch

Understand the core competencies required to be a successful world-class CISO and identify which competencies are a priority for the organization.

  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Phase 1: Launch
  • CISO Core Competency Evaluation Tool

2. Assess

Evaluate CISO candidates to hire or develop the right CISO for organizational needs and understand the CISO's stakeholder relationships.

  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Phase 2: Assess
  • CISO Stakeholder Power Map Template

3. Plan

Evaluate the new CISO's security program and create a plan to close any security and competency gaps.

  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Phase 3: Plan
  • Security Process and Technology Assessment Tool
  • CISO Stakeholder Management Strategy Template
  • CISO Development Plan Template
  • Security Governance Organizational Structure Template

4. Execute & maintain

Implement the plan and schedule time to reassess the progress of the CISO and security program.

  • Hire or Develop a World-Class CISO – Phase 4: Execute & Maintain

All resources on this page are provided to Cyber Leadership Hub members under license from third parties including Info-Tech Research Group Inc, a global leader in providing IT research and advice.