Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library

Create policies for the risks that matter most to your organization.

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Major Business Pain Points

  • Your policies are out of date, disorganized, and complicated. They don’t reflect current regulations and don’t actually mitigate your organization’s current IT risks.
  • Your policies are difficult to understand, aren’t easy to find, or aren’t well monitored and enforced for compliance. As a result, your employees don’t care about your policies.
  • Policy issues are taking up too much of your time and distracting you from the real issues you need to address.
Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library-Pain Points


Key Points

A dynamic and streamlined policy approach will:

  1. Right-size policies to address the most critical IT risks.
  2. Clearly lay out a step-by-step process to complete daily tasks in compliance.
  3. Obtain policy adherence without having to be “the police.”

To accomplish this, the policy writer must engage their audience early to gather input on IT policies, increase policy awareness, and gain buy-in early in the process.

Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library-Recommendations


  • Develop more effective IT policies. Clearly express your policy goals and objectives, standardize the approach to employee problem solving, and write policies your employees will actually read.
  • Improve risk coverage. Ensure full coverage on the risk landscape, including legal regulations, and establish a method for reporting, documenting, and communicating risks.
  • Improve employee compliance. Empathize with your employees and use policy to educate, train, and enable them instead of restricting them.

Methodology and Tools

Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how to write better policies that mitigate the risks you care about and get the business to follow them, review the methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in completing this project.

  • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Executive Brief
  • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phases 1-3

1. Assess

Assess your risk landscape and design a plan to update your policy network based on your most critical risks.

  • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 1: Assess
  • Policy Management RACI Chart Template
  • Policy Management Tool
  • Policy Action Plan

2. Draft and implement

Use input from key stakeholders to write clear, consistent, and concise policies that people will actually read and understand. Then publish them and start generating policy awareness.

  • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 2: Draft and Implement
  • Policy Template
  • Policy Communication Plan Template

3. Monitor, enforce, revise

Use your policies to create a compliance culture in your organization, set KPIs, and track policy effectiveness.

  • Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phase 3: Monitor, Enforce, Revise

All resources on this page are provided to Cyber Leadership Hub members under license from third parties including Info-Tech Research Group Inc, a global leader in providing IT research and advice.