We are proud to announce our newly developed course, Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (CRF), is launching this October 2022. The CRF is an entry-level course for aspiring cybersecurity professionals eager to transition into this critical sector and for established cybersecurity professionals keen to keen to sharpen their executive and board communication skills.
The onslaught of damaging cyber-attacks, tightening data protection laws, and rising customer expectations continue to push the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals. Over an eight-year period tracked by Cybersecurity Ventures, the number of unfilled cybersecurity jobs grew by a staggering 350 percent, from one million positions in 2013 to 3.5 million in 2021.
Cyber resilience is no longer a peripheral IT issue but an essential business enabler that underpins business growth, brand reputation and even business survival. As we've learned at the Cyber Leadership Institute through collaborating with CISOs, and senior executives from over 50 countries around the world, the success of cyber resilience and security programs requires the active engagement of business executives and corporate directors.
Non-technical professionals shouldn’t shy away from cyber risk because of perceived complexity, just as cyber leaders who want a highly engaged board need to learn to speak the language of the business.
That’s why we created the Cyber Resilience Fundamentals (CRF) course. This entry-level on-demand course is for anyone eager to accelerate their cybersecurity career. The CRF will equip aspiring cybersecurity professionals with the foundational knowledge to transition into cybersecurity, regardless of their age, background or experience. It also helps cybersecurity professionals accelerate their non-technical skills.
The CRF has been developed to complement technical skills and help technical professionals clearly articulate cyber risk and strategies to decision-makers, boosting their credibility, expanding their influence, and enhancing their careers while pushing them upwards. Those transitioning into the sector will gain insight into important topics and have a confident grasp of key concepts by the end of the course.
We have modelled the course on the Five Anchors of Cyber Resilience, a globally acclaimed bestselling book by Phil Zongo, the CEO of the Cyber Leadership Institute.
The CRF lays the foundation to turbo-charge your career and undertake further leadership training, such as the Cyber Leadership Program, which builds on the principles and concepts of the CRF.
From understanding the five critical domains underpinning a high-impact cyber resilience strategy to articulating cyber risk and strategies to decision-makers, the CRF provides the necessary tools to accelerate your career and begin your leadership journey. Rather than struggle through an adjustment period, you’ll hit the ground running and thrive in your transition.
Look out for a launch announcement soon on LinkedIn, our website and in the Cyber Leadership Hub.